Restore Dental Decay with Inlays and Onlays

Mild to moderate levels of decay can be discreetly concealed using inlays and onlays. The pre-molded fillings serve as an intermediate step between dental fillings and crowns.  Once your inlay or onlay has been placed, you can enjoy restored chewing function while preserving your natural teeth. Dr. Andy Maples uses advanced technology like CBCT scanners and digital x-rays when placing restorations at his Loveland dental office to ensure a precise and comfortable fit. Our office is also proud to offer LendingClub payment plans to make the cost of treatment more manageable.

Inlays and onlays

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

Custom inlays and onlays offer many restorative and cosmetic benefits, including:

  • Preservation of natural tooth tissue: Inlays and onlays protect your damaged tooth from further decay by placing a barrier between the remaining enamel and the outside environment.
  • Relief from toothaches: Advanced decay often causes moderate to severe levels of pain. An advanced cavity or worn enamel can also lead to temperature sensitivity. 
  • Natural-looking results: Your inlay or onlay is customized in order to fit snugly inside your tooth. Dr. Maples will color-match the restorations to your natural teeth so that they seamlessly blend in with your other teeth.
  • Restored oral health: By having your tooth sealed with an inlay or onlay, you can prevent the need for root canal therapy or tooth extraction.
  • Affordable treatment: Many insurance plans will cover part or all of your inlay or onlay procedure. Additionally, the restorations are more affordable than more invasive restorative treatments like dental crowns.

Am I a Candidate for Inlays and Onlays?

In general, inlays and onlays are ideal for decay that extends to or just beyond the cusps or bumps on the top of a tooth. Patients who have minor cavities are typically better served by a dental filling than inlays or onlays. If you have advanced levels of decay, you may be a better candidate for a dental crown. 

When determining your candidacy for an inlay or onlay, Dr. Maples will examine the extent of your tooth’s decay and where the decay is located. Inlays fit within the chewing surface of a tooth while onlays are larger and cover one or more edges of your tooth.

A Look at the Procedure

Placing an inlay or onlay is straightforward and generally requires two visits. During the first visit, Dr. Maples will begin by numbing your tooth with a local anesthetic. Our Loveland office also offers oral conscious sedation for patients who have a low pain threshold or experience dental phobia.

Once you are comfortable, Dr. Maples will use a special drill to clean the cavity. After all the decay has been removed, an impression of your tooth will be made. A trusted lab will manufacture your inlay or onlay based on the impression. Dr. Maples will also send instructions to ensure that the restoration exactly matches your tooth.

We will schedule a final appointment once the inlay or onlay has been completed and returned to the office. Once Dr. Maples determines that the restoration is a good fit, it will be attached to your tooth using a strong bonding agent. Afterward, you can immediately return to your normal routine. 

Contact Our Office Today

You can trust Dr. Maples to ensure that your new restoration is properly placed. Dr. Maples has received several prestigious recognitions, including as a “Top Dentist” in the region. If you are ready to treat minor to moderate levels of decay using an inlay or onlay, contact our office online or call (970) 669-1444. 

Dr. Andy Maples of West Lake Dental

West Lake Dental

At West Lake Dental in Loveland, CO, Andy Maples, DDS, and his team provide excellent dental care to patients of all ages. Whether your dental needs are routine or advanced, we can serve you at our comfortable, inviting office. Dr. Maples is affiliated with several prestigious organizations, including:

  • The American Dental Association
  • The Colorado Dental Association
  • The International Congress of Oral Implantology
  • The Misch International Implant Institute

We invite you to schedule an appointment today by calling (970) 669-1444.

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